martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

vocabulary activity for seventh grade

Vocabulary Activity
Alien Anagrams
After you finish reading the chapter, try this puzzle!
A spaceship full of alien ambassadors has just landed in your backyard. They are very interested in earthling science, especially the study of biological systems. Help them translate their scrambled list of terms. DOOG CLUK!
1. long, straight tube connecting your throat and stomach
2. microscopic filters located in the kidneys
3. large, reddish-brown organ that makes bile, breaks down nutrients, and stores toxins
4. saclike organ that breaks down food into liquid
5. oval organ that sends fluid into the small intestine to chemically digest and neutralize chyme
6. bean-shaped organs that filter blood
7. small, saclike organ that stores bile
8. tube where most chemical digestion occurs
9. tube where liquid waste is changed into solid waste
10. group of organs that work together to digest food
11. group of organs that remove waste from the blood
GAPHOUSES ___________________
HORNPENS ____________________
VIRLE _________________________
SCAMTHO _____________________
SNARPACE ____________________
YIDNEKS ______________________
BALDGLARDLE ________________
LALMS SEENITINT _____________
GELAR NESTIENT ______________
YANRIRU TYSMES _____________

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